Friday, September 16, 2016

Deadline Extender for Toe River Camping registration!

Good News Toe River!

The deadline for registering for Cuboree or BSAW (SOAR) has been extended until Monday September 19th, 2016!

It's not to late to join in the fun!

Cuboree...1st, 2nd and 3rd graders will have activities on Saturday of nature, games, crafts and shooting sports!  Sign up here

BSAW...for Webelos, AoL and Boy Scouts! Working with the patrol method, Cub Scouts and younger Boy Scouts will learn scout skills and team building.  Older Scouts will help lead and teach the younger Scouts as required for their Rank.  First aid, fire building, cooking, remote camping and more!  Sign up for BSAW here!

We have activities and fun for every Scout and every rank! Come SOAR with us!

See you there!